Sunday, October 18, 2009

Protecting You and Your Family from the Swine Flu

Ok these are just general things you can do to keep healthy and protect against most sicknesses. Its also just a lesson in good old plain hygiene But the Swine Flu also know as the H1M1 virus is deadly and killing healthy people, not just attacking the weak.

#1 – Don’t touch your face! Teach your kids not to touch there faces.
#2 – Use a hand sanitizer, send one to school with your kids (if the school permits it) and carry one in your car, purse and at your work place.
#3 – Disinfect high traffic surfaces in your home, cars and your work places.
#4 – In the pubic restrooms … dry your hands with a paper towel and then use the paper towel to grab the door handle and open the door and then take that paper towel and throw it out at the nearest trash can.
#5 – When you come home from a place with a lot of people – baths or showers for everyone, wash all those strangers germs off. This includes daily bath’s/showers for the kids as they come home from school! Remember there are parents there who send there kids to school sick cause that cant afford to take the time off work!
#6 – Have the whole family take there vitamins daily.
#7 – Find a preventative medicine or something like it to start giving your family. (Make sure its ok for there age rang.) Examples are: Echinacea, Vitamin C, colloidal silver, extracts with high amounts of antioxidants in them, or just a glass of OJ or grapefruit juice in the morning (I can’t stand straight grapefruit juice – so we buy Ruby Pomegranate – YUM!)

I am sure there is more – but these are the basic’s for you to think and about and to get you going. If you know of anything else, please feel free to comment.

And if all that fails and someone in your family gets flu symptoms take them to the doctors immediately and stop contact with everyone you know! Please don’t spread this virus!

Interesting tidbit!!! I got an email about how a doctor had hear that you put an onion, cut in half, in the bedroom of a person with the flu and in the morning the onion was brawn/black and he took it in and tested it the onion had soaked up the flu germs! The person was feeling better by the morning (not cured but better). I haven’t tried it – but what do you have to loose to try it, just the cost of the onion!?