Monday, January 21, 2013

10 things not to skimp on, no matter your tax bracket

1 – A Bed. Normally a person sleeps 8 hours a day. That is 1/3  of your day, every day of your life. That means you spend 1/3 of your life in bed! Your back will thank you. And you will be a happier person too. How many times have you thought about getting a new bed and just put it off because you think it’s too much and yours works well enough. I buy the best I can with the pocket book I have (which mind you, isn’t top of the line – YET, someday we will get that expensive bed that lasts for years and sleeps like a cloud!)
2 – A Car. No I am not saying buy the most expensive car right off the lot. I am saying do your research! Find the car that fits your needs. (Mine is fitting grocery’s and my family) And then look up safety ratings, read reviews about how long it lasts and gas mileage and know how much your insurance will cost you. Then go buy a good used one. Cars lose most of their value in the first 2 years. So buy a car that has the highest safety ratings, last the longest, check to make sure it hasn’t been in any accidents and that it isn’t newer then 2 years. Or at least the safest one you can afford. (Cause for us right now ….. 10 year old cars are expensive!) But this is the most dangerous item in your lives; don’t you want the safest thing to drive around in?
3 – Car parts and repair.  In my family we fix cars, not upgrade every few years to avoid working on them. So when you change your oil …. Don’t add the cheap stuff! We buy the synthetic oil, last longer and can handle more stress. It cost more up front but saves you in the long run. So we had all good stuff on my minivan, and people laughed at us because they are only used to putting good parts in there “expensive cars”. (Fluids, filters, brakes (who would ever skimp on breaks?!?!) and replacement parts)
4 – Gas for your car. I found a car gas that has a cleaning additive in it. I buy there cheap stuff and my car runs MUCH better. But read what your car’s engine was designed to run on – because it will run best on what it’s made for! Better running car … saves you money!
5 – Hair Care products. (This one is a favorite of mine). I had a haircut and they put salon/expensive shampoo and conditioner on my hair and tried to sell it to me. Of course I said no it was too expensive. But my hair stayed cleaner longer and nice and light and fluffy. So I went back later and bought some. It was great! I used about half of what I used in my grocery store bought stuff. So get a good shampoo and conditioner (shop around for the best price) and you may find it lasts longer and cost less than what you were paying for the cheap stuff un the long run!
6 – Underwear. Should be enough said .. but I will explain. What is the one thing you wear every day, all day (or most of it – I hope!) Underwear. Now I am not saying you need $20 pairs of undies. What I am saying is replace it! OFTEN! Having had a private discussion with someone who wears the same undies for years long past its first whole or rip. I got to thinking … why? So I regularly replace my undies (TMI?) But I am WORTH fresh, clean, un-ripped, no whole having undies! So when they start to get dingy and worn out. It’s time they too through them out.
7 – Socks …. Read above!
8 – Shoes –And my feet, legs and back thanks me for it! I used to wear payless shoes all the time. But boy did they hurt. I still buy them when I need a special pair of shoes for an outfit and can’t afford anything else. But I buy it knowing it’s NOT my everyday all day shoes. But the shoes I wear all the time cost a bit more. (On sale of course!)
9 – Education – Yours or your children’s or whomever you are paying for! They are worth. Am I talking Ivy League for everyone? No!  Just don’t settle for less. If there is a better program, do it! Some nursing schools are better than others. Some schools Do MBA’s. Trade schools for those who want to work on cars. But don’t settle. Do what you love. You will have a better life doing what you want to do. You will have a better career going to the best school for what you want to do. People hire out of the best, you will have a better chance at a job after school. So give it all you have!
10 - Daycare (possibly the most important of all) - This is people in charge of your children. There are too many people who don’t care and shouldn’t be in the business of caring for other people children. (I am not saying everyone) but do your research and pay for the best you can afford, scrimp and save if necessary. And in all honestly that is why I am a stay at home mom. No one can raise my kids like me.