Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Make Your Own Laundry Soap

It cost about 50% less! Some of my friends were doing this and I was doubtful, but gave it a try anyways. I love it! I made the powdered detergent and fabric sheet replacement. I love that I am helping leave a smaller carbon footprint and helping the environment while saving money!

Powdered Laundry Detergent
1 Fels-Naptha bar of soap
1 cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax

Cut the soap into small bits (its soft so not hard to do) then put it into a food processor until powdered (it doesn’t get quite powdered but close) then put the Fels-Naptha, Arm & Hammer and Borax into a plastic container (that has a lid) and mix thoroughly.

1 tablespoon of powdered soap per load.

Fels-Naptha bar $0.97
Arm & Hammer Washing Soda $3.24
Borax $3.36
Plastic box with lid that snaps shut $4.67

You can use other bars of soap I have heard of Ivory but I have also been told that any soap that isn’t heavily scented.

Liquid Laundry Soap
(I have not tried this, but it is what my friends like making)
* also I have been told this one is even cheaper then the powdered version! : )

4 Cups hot water
1 Fels-Naptha Soap Bar
1 Cup Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
½ Cup Borax
*some of my friends add a scent to there laundry 10-15 drops of your fav essential oil

Grate bar soap and add to saucepan with water, melt and stir constantly until completely dissolved. Put in a 5 galloon bucket and then fill with hot tap water to the top. Stir well, cover and let sit overnight (it will get thick). Stir again the next day, fill a used laundry soap dispenser half full of the soap you made, then fill the rest of the container with hot tap water. Shake really well before each use. Will make 10 gallons, once you keep refilling the dispenser bottle with more water each time.

Top Loading Machines use 5/8 cup per load
Front Loading machines use ¼ cup per load

Dryer Sheet replacement Fabric Softener
1 container of Fabric Softener (I used Arm and Hammer Free liquid Fabric Softener)
2 sponges cut in half

Pour all of the liquid fabric softener in about 5 gallon bucket (something with a lid) and refill the liquid fabric softener bottle two times with water adding it to your bucket. Toss the sponges in to soak it up! For each dryer load, pick out a sponge wring it out and toss into with the wet clothes in the dryer.

Package of 2 sponges $3.08
Arm and Hammer Free liquid Fabric Softener $3.97

Stain removal methods:

#1 Fels-Naptha
Get an old (clean) pickle jar with lid. Put the bar of soap in the jar and then fill the jar with hot tap water to the top. Let sit awhile. When you have a stain open the jar, use hand to scoop out some of the soften soap/water and place on stain before washing, folds the stain in half and rub against other side of the material vigorously and washing under running water. Repeat until clean then toss in washing machine as normal.

I realize this is more work then just spray, toss in the wash and forget about it, but remember this is saving money AND the planet …. My mother, grandmother and great grandmother all used this. For awhile I was lazy, but now I am going back to a family tradition.

#2 White Vinegar
Just toss in a cup with a load of laundry – I do it every with almost every load. Helps keep all your clothes fresh AND it has the added benefit helping to keep your washing machine and hoses clean. And that saves you $ in the long run you will get more life out of your washing machine!