Monday, January 23, 2012

Homemade Italian Bread Sticks yum!

I got this recipe off an you tube channel I enjoy watching! Thank you Noreen! She is also the one who really inspired me to go ahead and try canning. LOVE watching her cooking and recommend that channel. (

Anyways I got my new Kitchenaid mixer for my 11th wedding anniversary (I wanted one the whole 11 years!) this was one of the first recipe’s I tried. LOVE it. Enjoy!

In your mixer

3c flour (I tried both bread flour and all purpose flour both are fine)


3T instant yeast

1t salt

1t sugar

1 ¼ c warm water (approx 110-115 degrees F)

1 ½ T Olive Oil

Put on your dough hook for your mixer, lock it down, and turn it on low. Mix about 4 mins. Until the dough starts coming away from the side. Put Olive Oil around a bowl (just use your hands to make sure the bread wont stick to the bowl) and then rub your oily hands all over your ball of dough and place it in the bowl and cover, lets it rise for about 5 mins (builds the glutens)

Oil the backing sheet you are using to cook it on. Preheat oven to 350 degree F.

Place dough on backing sheet and press down and out with your hands filling up the sheet at approximately the same height all around. Put a bit more olive oil on top of the spread out dough. Season with what ever you want! I use

-garlic powder

-Italian seasonings

-sea slat

-parmesan cheese (NOT that giant green bottle – get the shredded real stuff in the refrigerated section! Much more yum!)

Back for 15 mins. EAT!

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