Tuesday, November 20, 2012

This put the YUMMM in HUMMUS!

You can add almost anything you want to your hummus, this is just the basics. My bro taught me the recipe he learned from his friends mom. They were Israeli and this was a staple in there household. Her mom's hummus was the best I ever tasted!

2 Cans Chick Peas
3 cloves garlic
½ C tahini
½ C lemon juice

Every time you make hummus it comes out slightly different, which is one of the fun things about it. Basically you drain the chick peas and add them to a food processor. Then, throw in the garlic cloves, tahini and 1/4C lemon juice, along with a generous dose of salt. Blend the mixture, adding water to get the consistency that you are looking for. Taste for lemon and tahini levels, add if necessary, blend again adding water to regain consistency. Allow it to sit for a day to get happy and then try it. Remember that garlic gets stronger with sitting, so don’t make the initial blend garlicy or it will kill you in a day or so…

This time I used lime juice instead of lemon. it was a nice change. (and quite possibly 6 garlic - heehee shhh don tell hubby!)

The bread is the "Peace Bomb, sprouted wheat Baguette" SO SO SO yummy! check the link below to find a store that carries it near you. WORTH THE EFFORT! 

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