Sunday, May 26, 2013

Reasonable Minimalism

OK - so I read a few articles on my FB newsfeed about minimalist's. I never thought I would even consider such a life.  But having grown up in a home of (awesome and wonderful) "collectors" (ummm many people say hoarders here) I have been more worried about having too much stuff. Never even gave a minimalist life style more then a nod.

Then a few weeks ago I was at a church funtion for ladies - and it had a bunch of mini classes that you could choose from that would help you make changes in your life that are positive. One of them was cleaning. I figured there wasnt much I could learn, BUT I did want a cleaner house so I figured something might motivate me, so I went.

WOW! great class. The teacher told us something that DID motivate me!!! (Exactly what I wanted)  Her mother had always told her ... "Its easier to clean a clean house, then to clean a dirty house."  And I REALLY thought about that. It IS easier to wipe down a kitchen surface that just had that meals mess on it. And it makes me ANGRY when I have to scrub and use my nails to pick off old dried food off my kitchen counters. And trying to cook in a messy kitchen - makes me anrgy all over again. I was tired of being anrgy all the time and snapping at my kids cause of the mess that bothers me in the house.

SO one morning a few weeks ago - I went through the kitchen, I got rid of a few things in the kitchen that I had held on to for weird and various reasons (so and so gave it to me, we got it at our wedding, I paid $40 and haven't used it yet, etc).  I also cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom.  I am proud to say that I have kept it clean for 4 weeks now!  NEVER has my kitchen looked this good for so long.

And 2 times since I have gone through the drawers and cupboards and added more to the give away box! It feels SOOOO good to watch my kitchen get cleaner and cleaner.  And it is all thanks to reading minimalist blogs and articals.

I will never (nor do I want to be) a true minimalist. A true minimalist will have nothing on all there flat surfaces, a total of 10 outfts, no more then a weeks worth of food in the house, no pictures on the walls, no window treatments.  Yea .... that isn't us. BUT all those articals got me to thinking about what I actually use.  Did I actually need 6 sets of measuring spoons?

NOPE! I kept 3, the really long ones are great for getting into spice jars, and 2 sets that were easy to read  - because in alot of my cooking I am working with wet and dry ingredants. So since I use them its OK to keep them.

This WHOLE box is full of doubles (or triples or MORE!) I really didn't need all that excess. I could give it away and help someone else out. AND have more peace of mind for myself and my family.

All the cooking tools on the counter are extras! How did I get so many? Or they were things I have moved more then once and never used! I had 3 sets of measuring cups! I really don't need that many.

It felt so good to fill up 3 boxes for donating and see my cleaner kitchen.  Everytime I get used to how it looks, I go through a few more things. I figure I will find my happy mendium somewhere closer to minimalist then to hoarder.

However, I will add right here that I BELIEVE in having a 1 year supply of what you family uses (food, water, soap, meds, diapers etc) as you have room to store. We live in troubled times, and must be prepared, but keeping 6 sets of measuring spoons is not going to help me out in that aspect.

Now I did have to make a HUGE change in my thinking. I kept thinking that my family lives here and THEY should clean up what I want them to clean up. Well I had to let that go. If I want a clean kitchen and have it constantly clean ... I am constantly putting something away. I cant wait for my husband to notice the trash is full and needs to be taken out. I do it. When the kids make a mess in there and I walk in I clean it them instead of leaving it for later. Same with the husband.  Yea I am picking up more of there stuff, but I am not as angry as I used to be. And maybe one day - they will learn from my example and my life will get a bit easier. Maybe not. I am not saying I don't ASK for help, if I see the trash needs to be taken out and hubby is home I do ask him. If not I just get it done. If then kids are close by I ask them to do age appropriate things to help out.  So maybe one day .... we will all just work together like clockwork with out me having to ask for it to happen. Maybe. :)

One last thing that has been weighing on my mind for MONTHS now ..... we just moved to our current home in Jan. We moved the big stuff in - and for a few days we didnt have all the excess. We had our couch, a chair, a coffee table ... nothing on anything messing it up. And I even thought about not bring anything down I liked it so much! But that wasn't reasonable. However, the idea and feeling of peace wasn't forgotten. So now I am on a journey to own less stuff, but still have enough to enjoy life with my family.

PS - about a month ago I was at a friends home, her house was clean (not immaculate or anything just nice ... like all the beds were made!!!) I was so impressed ... that I have made my bed every day since then. Maybe soon I will get the kids to make there beds too - but baby steps! :)

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