Sunday, April 25, 2010

Where to get free money!!!

So in my quest for saving money with coupons, I have started looking more closely at my receipts and saving them. I have noticed that sometimes there are survey codes at the bottom but I never did them. Well from now on I will be checking every receipt religiously!! It took 5 mins each, and my grocery store had a chance to win $100 for filling out a servery and Target is a chance at $5000! Now that kind of cash would be a HUGE help!

And I know that fast food does that too. But usually its for like a free drink or something on your next purchase. If you eat out there a lot its worth it. Just don't do back there and spend more then you should because you want that free drink or burger - that is actually waisting money.

Also check the restrictions - many have deadlines and by the time you are in line waiting to eat lunch and you ordered and they pointed out you cant get that free item.... you are just hungry and will pay for what was supposed to be free!

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