Sunday, March 22, 2009

Making your own Jewlery

OK this is so on the wants only list - but anything to help save money on the wants is a good thing! I warn you that while this can save money - you can also get addicted, so keep your spending in check. I could easily spend $100 in a bead store in under 10 mins. And since I don’t have $100 for beads - it takes me about 1 hr to pick which ones are going home with me! :)

If you want to start up jewelry making it will cost a bit to get the tools that you use and some good storage for the beads and findings that you don’t use. You will always have leftover’s (that is better then being one short on a project!)

Why I like to bead for myself. #1 I get to make it and for some reason this just makes me happy. #2 I get exactly what I want. #3 I pick every color and shape #4 It matches what I want perfectly! Also my FAVORITE reason for making my own jewelry, I can make matching earrings, necklace and bracelet all at the same time. I feel like a million bucks when I wear it! "I love it when a plan comes together" - Hannibal Smith

Depending on what type of beads you buy it can be cheap or expensive. I recommend the middle ground. Its nice but won't break the budget.

Here is what I have made so far this year, for me to keep anyways - the stuff for others has already gone to its new home(s).
One night a church we had an activity to make some bracelets, and that is where I got the above and below bracelet. It was a wonderful activity!
I actually made this bracelet first for my grandmother for Christmas, but loved it so much made on for me with the leftovers. :)
I Made this to go with an awesome pair of shoes I own that needed something to match it! The shoes are an awesome metalic green pair of flats that match the center bead.
I found a black and white dress with one small line of red that looked good on me, and needed to be altered to be perfect. I figured if I was going to all that trouble with a dress I might as well make jewelry to match. I call this my custom dress outfit.

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